Due to the fact that our company is located in the EFZ, such advantages are possible for our partners


СBP company — sells chemical reagents, raw materials, products and technical
equipment for chemical and industrial enterprises.


The range of products sold includes hundreds of names of chemical reagents, chemical materials and equipment

More About Us

Our company is engaged in research, development and production.

Our company cooperates only with trusted suppliers. Direct cooperation with manufacturers is the key to the supply of high–quality chemical raw materials to solve customer problems. We specialize in providing the necessary chemical reagents to enterprises of various fields of activity: paint, food, pharmaceutical, textile and leather industries, machine-building plants. By constantly expanding partnerships with manufacturers, we maintain competitive prices for chemical reagents.

We have been working since 2017



We cooperate with various logistics companies in Turkey, Europe and Asia. We take a responsible approach to compliance with agreements with customers on delivery dates.

The quality of the delivered goods

Thanks to our laboratory, as well as cooperation with leading manufacturers of solvents and other chemical products, we are responsible for the quality of the goods supplied.

European Free Zone

Our company is located in the European Free Zone, for our partners there is no ban on the sale of raw materials, semi-finished products and industrial goods from the free zone to the domestic market.

Low prices

Since sales from Turkey to the free zone are considered exports, companies in the free zone have an advantage in purchasing products at export prices, which are usually lower than domestic prices.

European Customs Union

Goods produced in the free zone have the right to free circulation in the countries of the European Union, since Turkey is a member of the European Customs Union.

Transit and barter trade

Transit and barter trade is possible in the free zone. The faulty goods can easily be returned to its origin. There is no time limitation in the free zone for keeping stock. These goods can be delivered to Turkey and abroad partially

Our Trusted Clients